1TB of Storage Space on a Set Top Box

Posted on Mar 3 2013 - 10:15pm by Thomas Sharp

If you are a big fan of the telly then you probably already have some sort of set top box. However, does it give you 1TB of space in it?

samsungThis is what the new Samsung HomeSync offers. It was shown off to the world for the first time at the recent Mobile World Congress and to be honest it sounds more exciting than set top boxes generally do.

The idea of this box is that it works with mobile devices. The HomeSync is powered by Android and uses the Jelly Bean version of the technology. It will allow viewers to put their games, apps and other stuff onto an HDTV to see them. You can also get to the Google Play store on your television.

The machine has an 8GB SSD as well as a gig of RAM for normal storage purposes. However, the most exciting part of the package is the hard drive with a massive 1YB which it includes as well. This should surely be enough for most of us to store our favourite shows and films.

Up to 8 Accounts Allowed

In fact, you will probably want to share out all of that massive store space, which is why it is just as well that you can have up to 8 different accounts on it. Each of those different user accounts will be allocated their own storage space and you can even use encryption if you need to do so.

So how much does it cost and when can you get one? Ah, we’ll need to wait for this information it seems.

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