3D Photos from a Kilometre Away

Posted on Apr 17 2013 - 9:18pm by Robert

Taking photos from far away is an exciting business as it is but it looks as though it is going to get even better.

This is because researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh have been working on a camera which could take photos from a kilometre away. In 3D.

In fact, the physicists who have been working on it say that with some extra work the maximum distance could be increased to an amazing 10 kilometres. So how does it work? With lasers, of course.

The camera’s lasers are used to scan the object in question and produce the image. It works on just about any type of objects but not on human bodies. This is said to be because our skin doesn’t reflect the camera’s laser in the way which other things do, so any part of a human which isn’t covered by clothing wouldn’t be photographed.

Some Other Uses for It

LASERThe main purpose of the long distance 3D camera (it’s actually a scanning depth analyser if we want to use the right term) is said to be the photographing of vehicles but the researchers have also said that it could be used to check for foliage growth and movement of rocks. With some modifications future uses for the device could include the measurement of the speed and direction of a moving object.

The laser beams which are sent out bounce off objects in their way and the camera then measures how long it took them to come back, allowing an accurate 3D image to be drawn up. In terms of accuracy, it is said to be precise to within one little old millimetre.

The team working on it believe that a “lightweight, fully portable” version of the machine could be around in less than 5 years.

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