Amazon Kindle Books Outsell Hardback Sales 2.4 to 1

Posted on May 19 2011 - 2:57pm by Richard Sharp

It was only a matter of time, but Amazon has today announced that consumers are buying twice as many Kindle books than hardcover books, despite a growth in the number of hardcover book being sold.

Amazon say since April 2011 they have sold 2.42 kindle books for every 1 hardcover book sold, this includes books where no kindle edition is available and free kindle books where excluded from the statistics entirely.

Kindle Director, Gordon Willoughby explained, “ customers are choosing Kindle books more often than hardcovers at a rate of more than 2 to 1. This is truly astonishing when you consider that we’ve been selling hardcover books from for over 13 years and Kindle books for only nine months.”

An impressive rate of growth has pleased many people and has angered others, ebook users are happy with the vast catalogue of books available for instant download through ebook readers such as the Kindle. Others believe the device to be ‘pure evil’ and believe Amazon are killing the paperback industry. The research did not mention paperbacks, only hardback data was included.

Which ever camp you sit in its hard to ignore the growth of ebook’s and digital media.

Do you prefer to read paper based or digital ebook’s on readers like the Kindle?

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