February may be the month of love but if rumours are true February 14th could be an important day for a very different reason this year. According to macnotes.de both iOS 4.3 and the Apple iPad 2 could be announced at the same event all within the next ten days.
This has caused quite a stir in the blogosphere with various outlets speculating about the event, last month a German blog concluded that the event would happen on the 9th of February where as macnotes and macstories have both penciled in Valentine’s Day for the joint release.
If the rumours are true iOS 4.3 will first be shown then the iPad 2 unveiled to showcase the new features all at the same event. So we could finally discover if the dual camera, SD slot and retina display speculations are true.
One thing that is certain is that the leaks will continue to come so expect more before the long awaited unveiling happens. If it does come within the next ten days this would logically put the release around a month later supporting the April release date rumour of Apple’s second generation tab.
Do you think Apple will roll out the new iOS and iPad 2 at the same event?
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