Apple Mountain Lion Day – Errors are a pain

Posted on Jul 25 2012 - 2:40pm by Richard Sharp

July 25th 2012 saw the release of Apple’s latest operating system, OSX Mountain Lion, for the tiny sum of £13.99 on the UK app store.

Many have flocked to download the new app only to be jilted by the app store with an error message. It simply reads, “There was an error in the App store. Please try again later. (100).”

Annoyingly I am affected by this glitch, along with other across the UK and worldwide. Apple’s advice is to simply try again later, which of course I will because I want iMessages and all the other juicy social networking and titbits that this new update comes with.

Twitter Erupts with Mountain Lion Fever

Nope, it’s not a tropical disease but moreover widespread excitement over the new update. Some are happy that their Macs updated smoothly whilst others seem to be less than impressed with that errors they are getting.

@margotlily voiced her frustration by saying, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE IS AN APP STORE ERROR? GIVE ME MOUNTAIN LION NOW!!”. Whilst others weren’t quite so articulate and far more damning of the service.

@icreate made light of the situation by Tweeting “We’re hearing rumours that Apple have actually Sold Out of Mountain Lion”. Which obviously isn’t the case but is funny all the same.

Have you experienced any of these problems, or remedied them at all? Please share below and we’ll all get there in the end. Happy Mountain Lion day everyone :-).

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. nobody July 25, 2012 at 3:02 pm - Reply

    how quickly we forget. I seem to recall a similar debacle when Lion launched.

  2. makovice July 25, 2012 at 3:34 pm - Reply

    It's working now 😉

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