We’ve featured a fair few gadget pillows in our time, first there was the Angry Birds inspired pillows and then the Ostrich pillow which allowed users to sleep on the job. Now the genius that is Bryan Ku has unveiled a new range which takes the humble pillow fight to an entirely new level.
Whether these will rule out the possibility of a feather filled room remains to be seen, they look a lot more fun though.
The range includes a Saracen sword, battle axe, nunchucks, death stars, grenades and our personal favourite, the lightsaber. These themed soft implements of doom may look good but I still feel a hefty feather filled pillowcase would get the job done better, you just wouldn’t look half as cool.
Sadly this is all academic as you cannot buy them at the moment. Hopefully if enough people show interest Bryan will put them on sale.
What do you think, hardcore pillow wars or a soft play flop?
Source: Geekologie
I really hope this guy puts these on sale, i would love to have these
I want these so so much! Please please please put them up for sale!