Yesterday the blogosphere was alive with images of the new Asus PadFone and today the Taiwanese company has released an official product video of the phone/tablet hybrid. The video provides an insight into the thinking behind the PadPhone and a brief idea of how it will work.
Essentially the phone and brings the computing power to both devices, the tablet acts as a slave to the actual tablet interface with the phone bringing all the computing power and memory. Users simply pop the phone into the pad and the PadFone is formed, it’s a great idea and one that will help Asus increase in popularity. Both devices will run Google Android, possibly Ice-Cream sandwich and will be available before Christmas, although other details and specs have yet to be revealed.
[vsw id=”z5aAOKJGBjo” source=”youtube” width=”600″ height=”450″ autoplay=”no”]
The Future of computing?
The concept of a detachable smartphone is not a new one, however it is an idea that we feel could eventually replace the pc as we know it. Users will be able to carry their computing power around with them. When they arrive at a destination, their mobile pc would simply be plugged into a terminal. Obviously this is an early version of this idea, but you can see the potential.
Do you think the Asus PadFone is a good idea?