Audiovox Zentral Turns Your Phone Into A Remote For Your TV Or Garage

Posted on Jan 6 2010 - 10:25pm by Richard Sharp

audiovox zentral











In the past their have been apps and devices capable of turning your iphone into a remote for your TV or Hi fi. Only some of these have been successful and many have been disappointing and lack luster. Thankfully Audiovox have invented a device that will turn your iPhone, Blackberry or smart phone into a blue tooth driven remote that can operate your TV, Hi fi, DVD player or even open your garage door.

The Audiovox Zentral comes with a base station that bridges the gap between your phone and the devices that you want to control. You install the app and then you can control your household devices in all in a single place. This great gadget is set to cost around $80 when it is released and we are sure it will be a popular choice for people who want to minimize their remotes.

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