D-Link recently sent me their latest N300 wireless range extender to test, which came just at the right time for some in garden entertainment because beforehand signal was weak. The spiel that accompanied the DAP-1320 explained it was one of the smallest on the market and one of the easiest to set up too, sounds good doesn’t it? And it was…. Setting It Up There’s a few ways to set up the DAP-1320, but I opted for WPS. This involved me plugging in the extender into a vacant socket in an area where signal was weak. Next...
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Recent research from OFCOM has confirmed that many broadband users have been stung with huge data bills after their ‘unlimited plans’ turned out to be false and very much limited. They have discovered countless examples of ‘bill shock’ where users were unaware of the costs they were racking up after assuming all of the data they used was included in their unlimited subscription. Broadband Genie, who alongside OFCOM performed a survey, revealed that users are constantly contacting them for help and advice when stealth bills hit...
Samsung is planning a brand new tablet computer that will be built to compete directly with the Apple iPad. According to reports, Samsung is looking to trump the iPad in terms of technological clout, with a faster processor and a slicker operating system. Samsung has so far said that it will be using Microsoft’s Windows 7 platform as the base operating system for its tablet computer. However, new rumours suggest that it will be ditching this in favour of Google’s Android. Tech site Tweakers has reported that Samsung is dissatisfied...
Following on from last week’s post about how Facebook is, rather unsurprisingly, the UK’s most regularly visited website, we thought we’d look at ways you can interact with the social networking website. A lot of mobile phones are sold on the premise that you can use them to access your Facebook account but few offer the same kind of synchronous relationship as the latest INQ handsets that will synchronise between your mobile phone phonebook and your Facebook buddies list. Make a new friend on Facebook and they’re...
After immense speculation in the press that French mobile phone giant Orange where interested in buying into the broadband on-demand video project Kangaroo technology, it appears that they may now have gone off the boil. France Telecom owns Orange and was reportedly very interested in the broadband project to add to their already up and running service, Orange TV. It is estimated that Orange TV currently has an estimated 1 million subscribers, and with the proposed acquisition of the broadband on-demand video service it would allow them...