Doctor Who is a popular British TV series about the adventures of a humanoid alien known as the Doctor, who explores the world using his spacecraft/time machine called the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space). The series was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running science fiction TV show, and the most successful science fiction series in terms of broadcast ratings, book and DVD sales, and iTunes traffic. Since it started, the BBC has released hundreds of products related to the show, from postage stamps...
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The Harry Potter book and film series is one of the biggest things that happened in our time. In a world where TV and video games conquer the free time of children, J.K. Rowling’s books helped them start make reading a part of their lives. The Harry Potter series’ popularity has translated into financial success for its author and its publishers. Rowling is the world’s fist and only billionaire author, having sold more than 400 million books. Now that the film’s last installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...
Haynes, creator of detailed technical books for cars and other kinds of vehicles, published a manual for Apollo 11 and other 60s Apollo mission space crafts a few years back. The owner’s manual became a humorous gift for enthusiasts and also provided those engineering-inclined people a glimpse into the technical aspects of the ships. Now, they are releasing a manual for the modified YT-1300 Corellian Freighters, which is the build for the famous Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars franchise. By reading the Millennium Falcon Owner’s...
If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your photographer friends, here’s an item that they will surely love. The Nikon camera lens mug is a 1:1 replica of the Nikon AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8 lens. The product features great attention to detail, high-end materials, a removable lens cap that has a Nikon logo and a travel bag. The Nikon lens mug looks and feels like the real lens, only it’s lighter, and the product’s attention to detail is very impressive. You can fill your camera lens with coffee and look at your friends’...
Ninja Star Push Pins are an awesome way to show your friends or co-workers that you mean business, helping you emphasize and affix important messages on your wall. The product is highly recommended for people who want to add style to their workplace, ninja lovers and those who are looking for new gift ideas. The Ninja Star Push Pin is shaped like a real shuriken or ninja star that was used by ninjas in Japan. It measures 2.75 inches from point to point and are sold in packs of three. A single point in the ninja star is replaced by two...
Most people have trouble waking up in the morning, maybe because of lack of sleep or it’s just too early. One way to help you with your morning struggle is this alarm clock from Lego that will surely tickle your fancy – who could be mad at an alarm clock as cool as this? Yesterday, we featured a Lego Minifig Darth Vader keychain that is a must for any Star Wars toy collection. The Storm Trooper Lego Mini-Figure Alarm Clock, officially licensed by George Lucas, is a Star Wars-themed alarm clock that will have you believe that...
We’ve seen our share of anything Star Wars, like the Lego Super Star Destroyer and Millennium Falcon beanbag bed, and I think toy companies will continue to launch Star Wars toys in years to come. Lego has released a Darth Vader Lego Star Wars Keychain flashlight, which is one of the coolest we’ve seen so far. Who says the dark side of the force can’t shine some light to the world? This tiny Darth Vader flashlight is designed with a Lego minifig style and also serves as a keychain, so you can have it with you all the...
Admit it, at some point in your life you’ve dreamed of being a rock star or pretended to be one by banging the air drums or playing air guitar. Yeah, we may look stupid doing it in public, but sometimes we just can’t help it. The bad thing is, some of us have no musical talent and remembering how the song is played can sometimes be hard. If you like rocking the air guitar, but still want to hear music too, the Air Pick might be the perfect device for you. The Air Pick is a guitar pick-shaped electronic device that is many times...
The GX Buggy is a tiny RC race car made by Japanese toy manufacturer Takara Tomy. I was sent one to review, it’s a hard job but someone has to do it :-). Facts and figures The car is just 10 cm long, and it can easily fit on the palm of your hand. It weighs just around 42 g, so this small, lightweight RC car can pick up speed up to 22-kilometers per hour (770-Kilometers per hour scale speed). Unlike the usual RC cars who use infrared tech, the GX Buggy uses a single 2.4 GHz controller. This means that 10 GX Buggy RC cars can be controlled...
After a few decades since it was introduced, production of Star Wars items is still very hot, even to today’s younger generation. Star Wars memorabilia is still a hit and more and more toy companies are introducing their own works based on the sci-fi film franchise. Items based on the Millennium Falcon, the spacecraft commanded by Han Solo in the film, has been gaining popularity these days. There has been a Millennium Falcon cake, a Millennium Falcon bed, and a scale model, but a company called Woouf made a Millennium Falcon beanbag...