Console News From E3

Posted on Jul 16 2008 - 1:25pm by Richard Sharp

XBox 360 - No Blu Ray PlayerEvents like E3 are a bit of an odd mixed bunch really. For the most part they do little more than confirm the news that everybody pretty much already knew with the occasional bit of “ground breaking” news thrown in to whet our appetite. All talk this year has been regarding whether Microsoft will offer a Blu Ray player and whether Sony will change its stance on UK owners getting a bigger hard drive.

Well, official news confirms that Microsoft won’t be adding a Blu Ray player to its Xbox 360 console. Whether they’re spitting their dummy out of the pram having had to concede the battle over the next generation of high definition players or whether they really do want to concentrate their efforts on improving Xbox Live we’re not sure but there you have it.

Sony, on the other hand, announced that it will be scrapping the 40GB hard drive model of the PS3, which is the one that we in the UK have been stuck with since release. An 80GB model will take its place, which is good news, but that good news is softened somewhat by the announcement that it will differ to the US versions because it won’t support PS 2 games.

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