There are always plenty of Apple rumours to keep us entertained but how reliable are the latest stories about a budget iPhone being on the way?
Numerous rumours about this possible new gadget are on around on the internet just now, so it seems as though it could be for real. So, let’s see what it could be all about.
What Is It Called?
There are a few different opinions floating around on this issue. It could be the iPhone 7 Mini, the iPhone 7C or the iPhone 6C. Other possible names have also been suggested but the general consensus appears to be that it will be called either the iPhone 7 Mini or else the iPhone 6C.
What Will It Look Like?
It seems likely that this new phone from Apple will be a smaller model than those currently on sale. We have head iPhone rumours talking about a smaller phone for quite some time now. A 4 inch model has been described by some reporters, which would make it the same as the iPhone 5C in terms of size.
The Specs
It is believed the Apple Pay will be included on this new budget iPhone, along with Siri. It should have decent cameras, with the rear camera possibly being of the 8 megapixel variety and the front one getting 1.2 megapixels. These should be a 16GB model and a 64GB option too. In terms of colours, expect the same range as on the 6S models.
The Price
Of course, if this is going to be a budget Apple phone designed to break into developing markets then it needs to be priced at the right level. The latest Apple rumours suggest that it will come it at maybe £100 less than the iPhone 7 launch price. This should mean somewhere around £400 or so, so it won’t exactly be a cheap option.
Would you be interested in buying a budget iPhone or would you prefer the full-priced model?
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