Facebook Hack Actually Caused by Bug That Has Now Been Cured

Posted on Jan 28 2011 - 11:10pm by Matt Jackson

The recent message on Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Fan page citing the hacker cup 2011 has been played down as a simple bug in the system, one that has now been fixed according to the world’s most famous billionaire.

The admission comes after Facebook initially remained silent about the issue with today’s news trying to keep the media and Facebook user’s calm. An official press release said “A bug enabled status postings by unauthorised people on a handful of pages”.

The original message read “Let the hacking begin: If Facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn’t Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a ‘social business’ the way Nobel Price winner Muhammad Yunus described it? http://bit.ly/fs6rT3 What do you think? #hackercup2011.” This appeared on the founders official fan page.

Despite the several variants of the word hack in the message Facebook has denied that the problem was caused by a hacker, instead explaining that it was a bug. The official press release concluded “The bug has been fixed.”

Via: T3

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