Facebook to go against Instagram by introducing photo filters

Posted on Aug 26 2011 - 11:48am by Julius

Social networking giant Facebook is now working on adding photo filters in its arsenal, in a move that may take users away from Hipstamatic, Instagram and other apps that feature picture-filters.

The New York Times reported that the company’s new feature was inspired by other photo sharing apps like Instagram, Color and Path. After failing to acquire Instagram earlier this year, it looks like the company will make their own filters instead. According to two engineers who work at Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg wants its artists and engineers to create more lens filters before it is unveiled to the public.

The sources said that the project has been ready for quite some time now, but maybe the company is looking for a perfect time to release it.

If you are not familiar with Instagram, it is a photo-sharing service for the iPhone that now has over seven million users. The app enables users to add vintage-looking filters to their photos.

The co-founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, declined to comment about the failed acquisition and the plan of Facebook to launch competing software. Facebook also did not respond when it was asked to comment.

Facebook might have more things to worry about than just Instagram when it comes to photo filters. Programming codes found by developers in Apple’s iOS 5 show a series of photo filters that might be integrated into the platform.


via: CNET

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