Gears of War 3 Beta: Start Recruiting Friends From 8th May

Posted on May 4 2011 - 7:32pm by Thomas Sharp

Gears of War 3 was first showcased last month at the gadget show live and at the time we were pretty impressed, since then various trailers and information has been released including the upcoming “Never Fight Alone” Beta due for release on the 8th May.

Users of the current beta game will be given an exclusive ‘buddy token’ which as the name suggests will allow them to invite a friend to come along and play in the next phase of the beta program. Users should keep an eye on their Xbox live registered email address as tokens will be sent out after the 8th May if you have already qualified, more tokens can be earned for each 20 hours of beta play you clock in.

Never Fight Alone

The Never Fight Alone pack will allow gamers to battle with their friends in new ways including Capture the leader, team deathmatch, king of the hill and capture the leader. They will also be able to kill each other with an array of new weapons including chainsaws.

The gradual roll out of these beta packs are a great move for the franchise as it allows them to iron out any problems they might have before the official September 20th release date.

Have you been taking part in the beta program? What do you make of GOW3 so far?


1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. ColeMasterFlex May 6, 2011 at 4:00 am - Reply

    Luckily I was able to get my hands on a beta key not five minutes ago… I missed the initial giveaways due to being at work, but I just found a legitimate blog handing them out. I found some other giveaways that were scams so I was wary, but this one has panned out and I've received my key.

    I don't know if any more keys are remaining on the site, but for those still needed one, here's the site for you guys to try:

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