Why would anyone attack another person just for wearing Google glasses?
The truth of the matter is that we have no idea why either. However, it has now happened twice in San Francisco. In fact, it appears that anti-Google feelings are running high in the Golden Gate City, with users of these glasses being visible targets.
The first known victim was the tech writer Sarah Slocum. She says that she was attacked and robbed in a bar in San Francisco for wearing the tech filled specs. This happened a couple of months ago and Slocum said that she had been abused in the bar by “Google Glass haters”. They grabbed the hi-tech headset off her after having thrown dirty bar rags at her and made rude gestures. Although she recovered the headset her purse and phone were stolen in the bar.
The Second Assault
The latest incident also happened in Frisco, although there is a satisfying lack of dirty bar rags this time. This time, Kyle Russell is the person who was walking around the streets of the city. He was in the Mission District when a stranger ripped his Google Glasses from his face while shouting “Glass”.
Our intrepid hero ran through traffic to try and grab back his gadget. However, the thug who had stolen the glasses smashed them into the ground before running off. Russell confesses that, with hindsight, running after the thief was probably not “the best idea”.
When will the Google Glass haters strike next? How do you think this trend could be stopped?