Inception and The Dark Knight Films Dedicated iOS Apps

Posted on Feb 16 2011 - 6:39pm by Matt Jackson

The Dark Knight and Inception have arguably been two of Christopher Nolan’s biggest films, so big in fact that Warner Brothers have decided to launch a dedicated app iOS for each of the blockbuster films.

Putting a film in a dedicated app is actually still a pretty new idea, probably because films can be purchased directly through iTunes. It’s for this reason that Warner Brothers have included some extra features that some users will love and some will simply choose to ignore.

Useful additions include bonus film, soundboards, themed games and the option to view the first five minutes of each film without having to pay for the privilege. We took a quick look at the Inception app and liked the idea; reviews have pegged the app at only two stars though so there is clearly a way to go.

One feature that we found a little unusual and perhaps innovative was the option to tweet in film, basically a tweet stream of Twitter users talking about the film appears in a column which you can add to if you have a thought or indeed question about the film, e.g. was it a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream? (You know at the end).

Warner Brothers is set to release more themed apps in the near future, what film would you like to have the app treatment?

Read more about appadditions via Tech Radar

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