On the day that Apple opens its largest store yet in London, the AA has warned that iPod zombies are becoming a major cause of accidents on UK roads. You can barely open a new Internet page without being inundated by Apple news so it’s hardly surprising to learn that the iPod is causing such a stir and to many drivers it definitely won’t come as a shock that it’s actually the pedestrians that are getting the bad press for once. Maybe the next problem for UK road users will be pedestrians that are too busy checking out local properties for the iPhone game MyTown.
Apparently, pedestrians are too busy checking emails and listening to music on their iPhone to notice that they are crossing a road and should be watching for traffic. The AA has said that accidents caused by pedestrian inattention have risen 5% and they have listed the iPod as one possible cause for this increase.
The location based game MyTown is already a massive hit in the US and developers BooYah have announced that it will also be released in the UK, Canada, and Australia. Boasting 2.8 million users already it is one of the most popular games on the iPhone and it combines elements of the classic board game Monopoly with location based gaming.
Users can purchase real life properties using game cash. They can then upgrade their properties and enhance their property empire. As in the board game version, users can also charge other gamers rent when they stay in their property. As a gamer collects more cash and purchases more property they also earn experience points which can be used to give themselves a competitive edge by upgrading their own abilities.
Have you downloaded MyTown yet?
Are you an iPod zombie?