Irecorder Takes The Effort Out Of Uploading

Posted on Jul 12 2008 - 11:23pm by Richard Sharp

The iRecorderPortable media players have advanced immeasurably and whether you’re strictly an audiophile or you like to mix it up with some video and TV occassionally, there’s a portable device out there for you. The only real trial involved in the process is the actual physical downloading of files from the original source to your PC and then from your PC to your media player. Well, trial no longer.

The iRecorder isn’t named simply in line with the recent tradition of slapping an i before everything in the hope of selling ten times as many products. Oh no. As long as the device you want to record from has an AV Out jack you’re in business and there’s a handy little USB port so you can even use it with the iPod Video and numerous other devices.

The iRecorder has an AV Out jack of its own so that you can watch your footage on your TV too. It’s a bit of a concoluted process to record to iPhone or iPod Touch, because you need to record from the device onto a flash drive and then import from the flash drive onto your PMP.

Nevertheless, it means fewer permanent wires around your PC, and less unrecognisable applications on your desktop.

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