With HD-DVD being the Betamax of the 21st century, Blu-Ray players are, apparently, the future. Of course, the PS3 offers one of the most affordable all-round solutions to owning a Blu-Ray player, but we don’t all want to use a games console that bears a striking resemblance to a George Foreman grill to watch films.
Unfortunately, try though I might, it’s a real struggle to find any Blu-Ray players or recorders that stand out. News that Blu-Ray sales tumbled (from an already unimpressive figure) last month does little to make us believe that things are likely to improve in the near future.
Sony, presumably not wanting to compete with the PS3, are equally responsible (if not more so) than any other company. Their own efforts appear over-priced and under-featured compared to the PS3.
It is possible to get a Blu-Ray player for marginally less than the price of a PS3 but the hardware definitely seems to suffer as a result. Sharp have released a couple of decent efforts, in terms of price, but the sensible money still rests with the PS3 – for now, at least.
For those of us that are always on the look out for a new avenue of gadget dreams, the future does not look Blu. We are on the look out for Blu-Ray equipment to review, but if you see anything first, let us know.