Having appropriated the name which most people commonly relate to Christianity’s most evil character, the makers of the Lucifer Cap are quick to point out that they mean to use the term based on its original Latin translation as the name given to the planet Venus or the bringer of light. Semantic ramblings aside, the Lucifer Cap is an incredibly useful gadget for those who like to light their way, no matter how dark their surroundings and it has a surprising number of applications in the winter and all year round. On the outside this gadget looks like an ordinary baseball cap with a curved peak and is available in 11 different colours suitable for various seasons and locations. However, built into the bill of this cap are a pair of super-bright LEDs which can light the way through the dark. You can light objects clearly up to 10 metres away and a single battery will power the LEDs for 17.25 hours, with a replacement easy to administer once you have gone through the first lot. A switch on the side of the Lucifer Cap turns the LEDs on or off and they are available in white, red, green, blue and purple. The makers of the Lucifer Cap suggest that it is excellent for finding your way in the dark, performing maintenance when there is no power, looking into your car boot at night, or even helping you pick out the next record you are going to play if you happen to be a DJ working in a poorly lit club. With the days getting shorter as winter approaches, keeping your Lucifer Cap with you to avoid getting caught out in the dark could be sensible. And what is more, techies who like to ferret about in their computers will love it.
Lucifer Cap Gadget Hat Review
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