There’s nothing like a bit of pointless trivia to make a Sunday evening that little bit more unpleasant and believe us when we say that this is nothing like pointless trivia. A sure fire sign of how developed a country is and how far the Internet has spread is the existence (or, hopefully, not) of classified ads from hired killers.
Authorities in Mexico are having to try and investigate that very thing. Alongside ads for home help (well, it could be) there are are ex-military killers advertising their services as hired hit men starting at a price of £3,000. We’re not sure if that’s considered reasonable or not, because we have nothing to compare it to.
Mexico has a serious problem with an incredibly high murder rate (nearly 1,500 murders in the last year) because of the number of drug cartels that operate from within their boundaries. Nevertheless, to see hit men classified ads appearing in the paper it really makes you wonder whether the ads are for real.
Presumably, they don’t carry land line phone numbers and full names and addresses so maybe they’re taking advantage of the new Bic disposable mobile phone to conduct their gruesome business.