With all the buzz and praise flying around for Microsoft’s XBOX Kinect we find it shocking how different it could have been if Apple had got hold of the technology first, CultofMac has revealed that Apple was actually offered it before any other brand and basically talked themselves out of a deal by being “a pain in the ass”.
For those of you who don’t know the Kinect system makes full use of technology designed by PrimeSense who is headed by Inon Beracha. Beracha revealed that he wanted to speak with Apple first because he saw it as “the most natural place for the technology”.
In 2008 Apple where making waves with multi-touch on the iPhone and iPod touch and PrimeSense thought the natural progression would be using their technology to make multi-touch happen without actually needing to touch devices. Their ambitions saw no bounds and believed Apple was the biggest brand to work with at the time – that said they realised their tech was hot property and had a long list of brands to meet with.
In the end it seems PrimeSense gave up on Apple due to red tape and buerocracy, Apple wanted to wrap the initial talks and deals in stifling privacy agreements, tieing them in very early prompting Beracha to despair and make the “pain in the ass” comment.
The rest as they say is history, PrimeSense teamed up with Microsoft to create a control system without a controller – a true innovation in gaming. The Kinect is expected to sell 750,000 units this Christmas – not bad for a device that almost went to Apple.
Should Apple be kicking themselves and what do think of Kinect?
No offense.
But actually I don't buy this story.
Considering how Apple is hungry for new ways(and as Steve said "innovative new unique ways")for all Apple products and since [tradationaly] Microsoft is actually that guy that Steve must oficially kicked some day,in worst even if Apple couldn't make the deal with PSense(no matter what reason was)it would lock them up somehow (probably $) to prevent competition to own this tech.trust me in current technology race not only Steve but even most stupid CEO(s) will do every thing to keep barely handed competition in the corner.
An oh! wait!
This story is familiar…Bing!
A few months back Nintendo said Kinect technology(still Project Natal at the time) first offered to them in 2007 actually!!
That means even before Apple!
See?!all of them are same more or less.They act same,Speak same,they even Look same!!
Don't take this too seriously,when rivals done every thing to counter your efforts and runing out of idea they can't simply stop your newly launched product so B#*%*!! will start appearing here and there,nothing new.