Samsung is now building a tablet that runs on Microsoft’s upcoming operating system Windows 8, according to a report. Korea Economic Daily said that Samsung is currently working on a quad-core tablet that runs Windows 8, making it the first tablet PC that runs the newest Windows version.
The publication cites an unnamed source for its information, and added that the tablet will be appearing at Microsoft’s BUILD developer conference in Anaheim, California on September 13. Microsoft also plans on showcasing some of Windows 8’s new features at the conference.
According to the source, the tablet will be powered by an ARM-based chip and will include a number of hardware advances that the Windows 8 operating system will take advantage of. Last month, Microsoft’s Patrick Hevesi and Jeff Johnson showed off a number of new Windows-powered devices during their presentation called “Come and see the latest and greatest in Windows Devices” at Tech-Ed in New Zealand. One of the device they presented was said to be a “Quad Core Windows Slate that will be given out at an upcoming Microsoft event.”
Although Microsoft’s new operating system will likely appear in 2012, the company is already increasing its marketing and outreach for the Windows 8. The company is offering sneak peeks of the features and user interface through its “Building Windows 8” blog.
Windows 8 will be making its way to tablets with its touch-centric Metro user interface, which co-exists with the normal desktop interface. The ability to switch between the two will enable Windows to maintain its dominance in the traditional PC market, while entering the tablet market with a bang.
via: The Inquirer
Weight, battery life, speed, ports. This tablet in beta will outsell everything, IF they deliver. Time to deliver MS. This is it. I want to be running Windows 8 beta as my primary OS a year before the rest of the world just like I did with Win7. Gloves are off guys, show me the magic. And if you could just put a backlit outline of a MANGO on the outside, my life will be complete bliss.