More Wii U Console and Controller Photographs

Posted on Jun 15 2011 - 10:42am by Richard Sharp

The Wii U console is officially out in the wild, not only do we have official press shots but now have some real hands on photographs too curtesy of Inside Games, Japan. The snapshots show the parts of the Wii U that Nintendo has failed to show off, and in true blogger form have been taken on a wooden desk (this seems to be the way forward with bloggers these days).

The photographs show the console and controller from a variety of angles, predictably there is a small number of input ports to keep things simple and the whole ensemble is colored ice-white.

This picture shows both the console and controller, at first glance the interactive controller looks as big as the console. In reality it is slightly smaller, although still on the large side (especially for smaller hands).

The actual controller has a large interactive screen, a D-pad, buttons and anologue sticks. At the bottom you can see a home button and selector buttons, to the right of these a power button for the console/controller is housed.  Despite being impressive to look at, the Wii U controller has arguably become a lot more complicated when compared to the WiiMote which pioneered point and play gaming.

More photos of the Wii U and controller can be viewed at Inside Games. Let us know what you think of the new console, do you think it will be a big success or a big mess?

via: Engadget

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