Music video’s light animation created using a wall of DSLRs

Posted on Jul 30 2011 - 5:45pm by Julius

Party, a group of creatives based in Tokyo and New York, came up with an idea for a Japanese rock band’s new music video. For Androp’s newest single Bright Siren, the group envisioned a wall of bright lights flickering in the dark. Instead of using a wall of lightbulbs, they lined up 250 Canon DSLR cameras with an external flash to create a light animation.

What’s amazing about the project is no CGI effects were used in the music video. The team used a combination of Arduino, Flash and openFrameworks to sychronize the Canon camera to flash at the correct time.

The music video shows the band playing in the dark, with the wall of DSLR cameraas behind them creating words and animations of light. It looks like what U2 does in their concerts, but this is a bit trickier because it took the team an entire day to connect the cameras together and making the animation.

It took a total of 48 hours to shoot the music video, with the first day used for building the set and day second day was for shooting the video. “In theory, we knew it would work, but we never had a chance to test out the whole 250 cameras until the day of the shoot,” said Kawamura, the video’s director.

On the band’s website, users can watch and create their own versions of the video, with a customized message spelled out in lights. The user-created videos can be shared on Twitter or Facebook.


via: Gizmodo

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