One of the great things about the CES is the number of link ups we see between different companies which bring us the best of what both firms offer.
This time around a collaboration which is causing a stir is that between Nike and TomTom to come up with the Nike+ Sportswatch with a GPS facility driven by TomTom.
It is a runner’s watch and the design is fantastically stylish. It is also really slim considering the amount of features which it packs in.
If you want to keep a perfectly accurate note of how far you have run and then be able to look over the route afterwards then the combination of a wrist watch and GPS is one which will surely appeal to you. It can also be teamed up with the optional Nike+ sensor which is located in your running shoes to give the most reliable results.
A nice touch for dedicated runners and stats fans is the option to upload your route to the Nike+ website for you to look at and analyse at your leisure later on.
As you run the display is big and clear enough to read easily. It shows the distance covered, the time you have been running, the speed and the amount of calories which have been burned off so far. All of this information can be uploaded to that site I mentioned earlier.
If you hook your watch into your computer through the USB cable all the data is uploaded and you can see the TomTom maps showing the full details of where you have run.
A couple of the rather more unusual features designed to keep your spirits high are personal records recognition and the wonderfully named “post run acknowledgement and encouragement”. These sound a little bit more suitable for the US market in my opinion but if you can draw some encouragement from them then you won’t be complaining I guess.
You will be able to buy this watch from the 1st of April, although no price details have been released as yet. I wonder whether this will change the way that runners plan and then analyse their runs?