Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D Just The Start Of 3D Game Adaptations

Posted on Sep 10 2010 - 9:56am by Matt Jackson

Resident Evil: Afterlife opens today and is apparently the first game adaptation film in 3D but according to industry analysts it will be the first of many because immersive gaming worlds and the colourful characters lend themselves perfectly to the use of 3D filming. If the idea of seeing Milla Jovovich in 3D does it for you then you may be happy to know that the film’s director Paul W.S.Anderson also added an aeroplane as well as smoke, fire, and underwater scenes in order to really get the 3D juices flowing.

Film adaptations of games have enjoyed a lot of success in recent years as film quality and production qualities have improved. Tomb Raider films were especially popular when they were released and the Resident Evil franchise has continued in a similar vein. Couple that popularity with the incredible take-up of 3D both in the cinema and at home and you’ve got a recipe for success if ever there was such a thing.

While Afterlife may be the first it certainly won’t be the last game to become a 3D film. Hitman 2 and Kane & Lynch have already been produced, although neither has been confirmed as 3D, and a list of games including Lost Planet, EverQuest, and Twisted Metal are in various stages of production at the moment. You’ve got to imagine that at least one or two of them will make the transition to a full and completely immersive 3D world.

3D at home has taken off quicker than just about anybody could have imagined. 3D gaming is possible on home computers and the PS3 following a recent update while 3D TVs which are surprisingly well priced and already very popular are being churned out at a considerable rate.

Will you be going to see Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3D?

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