We love the telly, so we do? After all, this is where we get our fix of soaps, sporting disappointments, barely believable cops shows and even less believable reality shows.
Back in the old days we use to crowd round a living room set which was barely bigger than my brother’s quiff but now tellys are just getting bigger and bigger and with a better definition all the time as well.
To prove the point, the good people from Sony are bringing out a monster television set which measures in at, gulp, 84 inches. It is a Bravia LCD model and it could change your life, or at least the televisual part of it.
Upconvert to View
This giant screen TV is due out at the end of the year and the stats are highly impressive. It has a 3840 x 2160 screen format and you will be able to upconvert any movies, photos or TV shows you want into 4k resolution on it. Actually, you will have to do this, as there is nothing out there available in the 4k format yet. No doubt there will be in the future but for the moment you will have to do with upconverting, so this is going to be an important part of the package to pay attention to once the full details are released.
As for the sound, there are no less than 10 shiny speakers included with it. This gives you – you guessed – a virtual listening experience with a 5.1 surround sound effect. The official name for the set is the Sony Bravia KD-84X9005 and we await details of the pricing with baited breath and a quivering top lip.