Speak2 is an innovative telephone company that not only offers reduced rates against typical landline and cable calls, but also includes a system that determines the cheapest way to make a call. Users pay a one time installation fee (currently £59.95 or £99.95 depending on the package) and then enter details of their landline, sky, and mobile call packages. The software then selects the best available option whenever a call is made.
You only need leave your computer and broadband connection running and you can take advantage of this system wherever you are when you make a call. This greatly reduces mobile call costs and enables you to truly take advantage of your free calls without having to wait until 2 o’clock in the morning to get off-peak rates.
For heavy callers and for those that regularly use their mobile phones, it could save a fortune. A number of call packages can also be added, starting from £5 per month, as well as some useful add-ons.
While businesses have benefited from cheap call routers for some time now, Speak2 brings a similar system to home users – it will prove especially beneficial for those that make regular overseas calls too. Whether it will change the way we make calls remains to be seen but it could save you a few quid every month.
Wonderful new product and it saves me a fortune on calls !!!
Far too expensive you need to make a lot of call before its for it self.
Not true! I have mine, my wife’s and my 3 kids mobiles all making calls using Speak2 saving around 70 percent on call charges!! The way my kids use their mobile phones this thing is paying for itself in a matter of weeks!
I want to reduce my call rate