A new study has shown that 25 per cent of UK consumers will head down to the shops and buy a new computer if they experience serious problems with their existing machines.
Furthermore it looks as though nearly a third of Brits are more than happy to deal their computing hardware a blow or two in an attempt to get it to behave.
A survey carried out on behalf of Virgin Media has shown that 58 per cent of people are willing to admit to cursing their computers in the event of an issue arising. This figure is probably much higher in all honesty, as no one is immune to PC frustrations from time to time.
25 per cent of people find it necessary to get in contact with a friend or relative who knows a little bit more about computers when their machines are giving them a tech-related headache.
Virgin Media’s Jon James said that a lack of available support was a big cause of computer frustration amongst consumers. Even problems which can be fixed simply by someone in the know can be insurmountable to an amateur and the result is that perfectly viable PCs are being consigned to the scrapheap as buying a new computer is seen as the only solution.
Mr James believes that 10 per cent of internet users are craving solid support and Virgin Media is using the results of this survey as a platform to launch its new Digital Home Support service, which is designed to tackle PC and broadband issues whenever they arise.