Apple has quietly launched its new MacBook Pro upgrades, shedding light to rumors that have been floating around for a few months. Apple has unveiled its latest updates to its MacBook Pro line of laptops, bringing improved performance, faster processors and larger storage without changing its price. The upgrades have been expected since September, with the new MacBook...
Tag Archives: MacBook
Apple is reported to have chosen two parts suppliers that will provide batteries for the company’s third-generation iPad, reports say. According to Taiwan Economic News, Dynapack International Technology Corp. and Simplo Technology Co. have been chosen to manufacture the iPad 3’s batteries, which will be lighter and thinner, but will be 20 to 30 percent more...
About two months ago, when Mac fanboys all over the world were all excited about the launch of the new MacBook Airs and the Mac OS X Lion, Apple made it a point to detail the new Thunderbolt Display, the first display that uses the Thunderbolt I/O (input/output) technology. On July 20, Apple said that they are launching the 27-inch display withing “the next 60 days”...
ColcaSac, makers of high quality sleeves for MacBooks, iPads, iPhones and Kindles, previously launched its Zagora sleeve for 13-inch MacBook Air and we’ve been sent one to try out. The Zagora protective sleeve is made from heavy duty natural basketweave hemp that is harvested in rural China, where the material grows very quickly and plentifully. Hemp is naturally...
Reports say that the refresh of the 2011 MacBook Air will arrive next week, not this week, and it will come with improved minimum specs. The highly-anticipated refresh of Apple’s super thin laptop will come with at least 128 GB SSD (from 64 GB) and 4 GB of RAM (from 2GB). The popular backlit keyboards will also return, along with Sandy Bridge processors from Intel...