The G’zOne Durable Phone – US Only, Unfortunately

Posted on Sep 8 2008 - 2:52am by Richard Sharp

Ultra Durable PhoneNot sure whether this will ever make it beyond Verizon’s US range, although it’s fairly doubtful, but that’s a shame because the G’zOne is an ultra durable and rugged mobile phone that offers pretty much everything even nuclear fallout protection (well, maybe, but who’d actually know whether it withstood the fallout or not?). In all fairness, while there are worse looking handsets out there, this one does smack a little of rugged rather than stylish.

However, the G’zOne not only offers splash proof, damage proof, and shock proof protection to military standards but it also only costs the equivalent of about £65 and even with the two year contract this represents really good value for money for a phone that would probably only struggle in a fight against daily use from a child (let’s be honest, kid’s could break tanks open in a matter of minutes if they weren’t supposed to).

Obviously it hasn’t been through the rigours of a Gadget Show style testing yet, that we’re aware of, so it could turn out to be a load of old rubbish but for its supposed durability and pretty impressive price we hope it finds its way over here in some guise or another.

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