The USB Fridge

Posted on Jun 10 2008 - 10:00pm by Richard Sharp

USB FridgeIf you’ve been watching the football on the BBC or ITV websites, or maybe you’ve been hanging on for some more Apple news – what you need is way to keep your can of Coke cool while you’re at your desktop. Mini fridges have dropped in price but they’re still not the most convenient offering around. It’s hardly practical to have one plugged in on your PC desk is it?

In contrast, the mini USB fridge is perfect – just big enough to hold a single can of pop, or small can of beer it plugs directly into your USB port and takes just 5 minutes to warm up and, err, cool down. Plus, you can pick one up for less than £20 and if you look around you can get them in just about any design and colour.

The one pictured is from and is a wired version with a 4 foot cable for $30. The same model is available (although the picture features a can of Fanta and doesn’t look anywhere near as good) for £20 from

Ok, so it only holds one can, so it won’t reasonably save you that much time walking too and from the kitchen but the can will stay cold as long as it takes you to drink it.

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