Top Gear failed to blow up SA’s Marauder

Posted on Jun 27 2011 - 5:35pm by Thomas Sharp

Top Gear is back on TV and kickstarted the series with a number of high energy features, Richard Hammond introduced the “world’s most unstoppable and indestructible vehicle,” which is priced at £300,000. Top Gear introduced the South African-made Paramount Marauder, and tried to blow it up but failed.

In the episode, Richard Hammond test drives the vehicle, putting it through a series of stunts to test the vehicle’s durability. The vehicle has been smashed through walls, attacked by lions in a South African jungle, but still came out visually untouched.

Ivan Ichikowitz, the executive chairman of the South Africa-based Paramount Group, said: “The Marauder is one of the toughest vehicles in the world. We challenged Richard Hammond to throw anything he wanted at it and Marauder withstood it all.” “Despite the fun working with Top Gear, it is important to remember soldier protection is a very serious issue for armies worldwide. We are talking about saving lives. With this type of technology available and the ever present threat of IED’s there really is no excuse for governments not to provide the best protected vehicles for their defence forces,” he added.

The final challenge was placing the Marauder next to a Hummer and using explosives to blow it up, simulating roadside bombs similar to conflict zones. The Hummer got destroyed easily while the Marauder had barely a scratch.

According to the Paramount Group, the Marauder can withstand IEDs, mines and ballistic attacks, and can survive explosions from 7 kgs of TNT under its hull and 14 kgs under its wheels. The tires can even roll 50 kms after being shot by 12.7 mm bullet rounds.

Should vehicle makers continue to make tough vehicles like the Marauder?

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Phil June 28, 2011 at 8:59 am - Reply

    Should vehicle makers continue to make tough vehicles like the Marauder? Yes, as long as we have knucklehead religious Jihad type of organizations in the world.

    • bob July 12, 2011 at 1:09 pm - Reply

      we have one in its many modified forms since 1948 the Land Rover (aka Defender) and it will still live up to its original promises, if you put all the stuff the Marauder has on it on a defender it would do twice the job

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