Ultimate Star Wars lighting launched

Posted on Apr 9 2010 - 12:07am by simon

Fans of George Lucas’ much loved sci-fi saga Star Wars will no doubt be delighted at the news of a brand new remote controlled night light which takes the form of an iconic lightsaber.

The remote control acts to turn on the light, but it can also be used to cycle through the seven different colours that the lightsaber wall light can display. There is even a button to set the wall light off on automatic rotation through the colours if you want to get the effect of a really slow disco.

The lightsaber is designed to attach to the wall of your bedroom or any other living space and it gives off a soft glow. There is no news as to whether it will emit the associated humming, throbbing sound whilst it is turned on, but this is unlikely.

The RC Sat Wars lightsaber wall light is not a particularly expensive gadget at around £17-£20 and it is not going to be available until the autumn. However, you can pre-order one online right now and the power of the Star Wars brand will ensure that the lightsaber wall light will make it to the UK.

Some might point out that the wall light is aimed at the kids market, primarily with the function of easing fear of the dark. However, there is surely going to be demand for this gadget amongst a much larger audience and it is easy to imagine it illuminating dens and home theatre rooms around the world.

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