Paintballing has enjoyed something of a rough ride, in terms of kudos. In general terms it offers you the chance to legally run around a forest dressed in combat gear shooting the hell out of your colleagues, friends, family, and people you’ve never met before. Yet, despite the engaging sounding description it’s usually considered a pastime reserved for corporate geeks (no offense to any corporate geeks that might happen to be reading this).
Perhaps the Patriot Paintball Shotgun might go some way to improving its image. After all, there’s no messing around with shotguns is there? We heartily recommend paintballing as a fun way to spend a weekend in controlled environment and between consenting adults. However, the Patriot paintball shotgun comes with the rather sensible that it should really only be used by players over the age of 18. Rather worryingly, that’s only to be taken under advisement.
The gun includes a paintball cartridge, including water soluble non-toxic paintballs. Apparently, the pump action is realistic, and having been paintballing (does that qualify me as a corporate geek? I don’t think so) I’ll tell you that small balls fired from a pistol can leave a rather nasty welt so you would be best advised avoiding getting shot point blank range with a shotgun (a good rule in life, too, I feel).
Exactly how is paintball a past time for corporate geeks??? People of all walks of life and ages play paintball everyday. Its not a past time at all.