Yahoo Sells Delicious to the YouTube Co-Founders

Posted on May 1 2011 - 3:00pm by Robert

Is it a sign of the times at Yahoo that they have sold on their Delicious service to the people who brought us YouTube?

Yahoo bought Delicious back in 2005 but never really got going with it amidst rumours of being unable to support it properly. Now they have sold it on to Chad Hurley and Steve Chen for an unspecified amount, although $5 million has been mentioned.

In case you aren’t familiar with it, Delicious is a cloud based social bookmarking service. It has reached a reasonable degree of popularity with users but a few months back all the signs were that Yahoo were simply going to bin it.

Now it has been sold on to the YouTube co founders who have opened up a new company called Avos to deal with it. They state that it is a “tremendous opportunity to simplify the way users save and share content they discover anywhere on the web”.

With the growing popularity of cloud based services the future could yet be bright for Delicious, especially as the new owners are “aggressively hiring” a “world class team” to build it up to be the best information discovery service around.

If you are an existing user of the service you will need to sign in and agree to transfer over your data to the new owners before the July switch over is made. The news of the sale is also bound to attract a lot of new users keen to see what the fuss is about and weigh up whether the service is going to be of use to them.

Do you think that a cloud based social bookmarking service such as Delicious could be the next big thing on the internet?

Via: Telegraph

1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Payton45 May 2, 2011 at 11:31 am - Reply

    Yahoo assures us that as the creators of the largest online video platform, Hurley and Chen have firsthand experience and are committed to running and improving Delicious going forward

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