A Round Up Of iPhone News

Posted on Jul 8 2008 - 2:57am by Richard Sharp

iPhone Pre-Orders Now Being TakenJust when you imagine that you’ve covered every conceivable story regarding the iPhone 3G, a load more hits you in the face. Fortunately, there are at least a couple of reports to condense into one post for you, today, and then hopefully we’ll pretty much be done with it. At least, until it’s released and a review needs to be written.

The phone is released this Friday at 8:02 am (why 8:02 you ask? Because the phone is only available through O2 and that’s some easy branding). Pre-orders are being taken as we speak… read… write this and if history is any indication then you should probably consider doing exactly that if you want one, or face being bitterly.

Alternatively, you could start queueing now and by the time you reach the front of the queue you’ll be able to get a Pay as you Go when they’re released at Christmas. And, there in lies the other piece of iPhone related news. Pre-pay models will only be available from Christmas.

Oh, go on then, one more piece of related news. Demand for the iPhone 3G has so far been so great that the O2 website fell over amidst a flurry of giddy excitement. Pre-orders are limited to one iPhone per person, allegedly to prevent disappointment, although probably also to prevent Ebay fever (the main symptom of which is an inflated price tag, and there is no known cure) from striking.

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