Apple iPad 2 Rumoured Super PLS screen

Posted on Feb 13 2011 - 4:54pm by Matt Jackson

The iPad 2 may only be a matter of weeks away but there is still much to learn and indeed be revealed about the second generation tablet. A report in The Korea Times has suggested that Apple may be introducing a new type of screen making a switch from the current in-plane switching (IPS) to SuperPlane line switching (PLS).

The change could result in reduced glare and improved viewing angles if the report is correct. The screens would be supplied by Samsung known for their high quality displays, this would mean a switch from other suppliers such as LG and Toshiba who are said to be 15% more expensive than Samsung.

Samsung first unveiled the new tech last November, since then it has been revealed that Apple are interested in the new screens but neither have confirmed that they would actually be used on the iPad 2.

Although the introduction of the screen would improve viewing angles some analysts have suggested that it will not be included as it would mean a further sacrifice to battery life, this would be a contradiction on previous rumours that suggested the iPad 2 would have a more efficient screen.

Do you think Apple will make the switch to a PLS screen?

Source: macrumours

1 Comment so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. dogxa February 14, 2011 at 8:11 am - Reply

    No matter what iPad 2 will be like, but we can sure that it will be better than the first generation, we have to do is waiting and waiting for its final appearance! Get one and an iPad video converter from ANEESOFT.

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