It seems Apple might be planning a new form of tablet come laptop, similar to the HP Touchsmart or Dell Inspiron Duo, however we expect Apple’s offering will be a fair bit thinner and coveted by iPad and Macbook Air owners alike – it appears Apple would like to take the best from both devices to create a hybrid device.
Unlike the Inspiron Duo this patent actually shows the screen sliding into position instead of rotating and folding. Could this be the innovation that takes Apple from a flat iPad tablet into a fully functioning hybrid with full keyboard? It’s entirely possible when you consider the new breed of Macbook Air uses the same internal components at the iPad is as thin when closed and looks the business. Apple would be able to take the best of both devices to create what could be known as the Apple Slide or even, dare we say, iPad 2.
The patent is actually entitled Application Programming Interfaces for Scrolling Operations and doesn’t strictly mention the sliding motion in detail. There is also no evidence that this would ever actually be used and may be a ploy to simply keep other from using the technology – we would love it if it was used though, it looks very sci-fi and it would be cool to have a ‘real’ full keyboard too.
What do you think? A good idea or just a flash in the pan?
Honestly–doesn't get much better than this!
I would love this it would be awesome !!
Err… just looks like the zaggmate for iPad? I think apple will need to up their game for a true hybrid.
I wouldn't be surprised if this will double up at the design for the next version of the iPhone…
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