It seems that new Apple laptops and desktop computers are going to be built around different processors from now on if we are believe the latest talk from analysts.
At the moment PCs from the tech firm use Intel produced CPUs but there are strong rumours in the market that they will be moving them onto ARM processors soon. Actually, “soon” might be a bit of an overstatement, as it seems as 2013 is the very earliest we can expect to see this happen, but it looks as though all the plans are in place to get this done.
It appears as though half way through 2013 is the perfect time to make the switch with no worries about code or memory issues. The rumour is that the Apple bigwigs haven’t even told Intel about the switch yet, to avoid any supply problems while they remain their only source of processors.
The ARM system is already in use in the iPad 2 and there are strong suggestions that it will also bring its power to the iPhone 5. This would seem to add weight to the theory that they will move all of their computers onto the same sort of system as well, although who knows when we can expect to get some official confirmation or denial.
Of course, many people buy gadgets and computers without even really knowing that much about the stuff that is inside it anyway. Does it make a difference to you what processor is used by Apple in their computers?
It *does* matter what chip is in the PC when the OS and new apps no longer run on Power PC and you are forced to buy an Intel mac.