David Gray

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We have already seen our fair share of William and Kate merchandise, earlier in the week Microsoft announced avatar clothing for Xbox live so users can dress their Avatar to look like Will’s or Kate and yesterday we found these Royal themed iPhone 4 cases by case-mate at the Gadget Show Live. The cases are available to buy now and come in four varieties, all are high...

Despite living in an age where Internet Security and computer security has never been tighter it has been revealed that a new Windows worm virus has hit a staggering 8.9 million PCs in the last week alone. Initial estimates suggested just 2.4 million machines had been infected but this has increased to 8.9 million over the last four days. The rate at which the virus is...

When is a wallet not a wallet? When it is sewn tight shut so you cannot get access to your money and other people will need to bail you out! This excellent tight git wallet is sewn shut and no matter how hard you try there is just no way to get your money out next time you are down the pub. How many times have we all been stung by that person who seems to lose their money...

How many times in the past have you wanted a peaceful day by yourself but had the unfortunate experience of guests knocking on the door at the worst possible moment? How many times have the in-laws come round uninvited and sometimes unwanted? Check out this quality come in and go away doormat which you can use to reflect your mood of the day. The writing is printed in...

If like us you long for the olden days and the old VHS video, audio cassette players and many of the older technologies which have been replaced, you may be pleased to see the audio cassette make a comeback as an audio cassette sticky tape dispenser. This novelty item will bring back the days of the C60 the C90 and other audio cassette tapes which were on the market over...

The Times newspaper in the UK recently ran an article on the environment which suggested that 7 tonnes of CO2 emissions were produced for every 1 million searches on search engine giant Google. The report was accredited to Harvard University physicist Alex Wissner-Gross who carried out the research behind CO2 production in relation to the Internet. Having been seen by...

Next time you walk up and down the street and see the artwork of young vandals across the wall you may be tempted to pick up your own can of Glow Graffiti and test out your ideas at home! This amazing can of Glow Graffiti comes with its own sheet of specially conditioned material which you simply hang on your wall or on the back of the door. Then all you need to do is...

While there are many USB devices out there which are useful, some which are hopeless there are few which can match the presence of the Minoru 3D webcam! This little beauty is promoted as the world’s first 3D WebCam and is sure to catch the attention of your friends, families and online buddies alike. Simple to use, uncomplicated to setup and offering an excellent...

While the Pyramat PM400 gaming chair is aimed at the gaming market it offers much more than just somewhere to sit to play your games console! This stylish chair comes with a brilliant surround sound system, breathable backrest and a comfort which will not only help your gaming but could actually rock you to sleep. The Pyramat PM400 gaming chair is perfect for playing your...

As new gizmos and gadgets go there can be few with the potential to help smoking addicts as much as the Milano E-cigarette. Most definitely one for the older generation this is a stylish high-tech cigarette which offers the “real” smoking sensation of a traditional cigarette without the smoke, tar, tobacco, flame or cancer-causing elements. It has been on the...