Car To Run On Air By 2009

Posted on Feb 13 2008 - 10:44pm by Richard Sharp

aircar.jpgYou may have heard about green house gases, well of course you have! Global warming is at the forefront of every politicians mind and many people are seeking a greener way of life. Well I am happy to report that an engineer has promised his latest air powered car will be available within a year!

The Onecat has five seats and is constructed of lightweight glass fibre, it weighs just 350 Kilo grams and the projected cost is just £2500.  The car is powered by compressed air that is stored in the cars lighweight carbon fibre chassis, the best part is it only takes 3 minutes to ‘charge up’. This is one heck of a lot quicker than electric cars.  This car sounds like a great idea and I hope the designers can get it on the market as quickly as possible.

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