When it comes to incredible, if sometimes pointless, gadget designs clocks tend to perform pretty well with designers turning their hand to creating some of the most unique and unusual mechanisms and displays in order to help sell their wares. In the shape of the water clock, we’ve got perhaps one of the most innovative and definitely cool looking clock designs – like many of these designs, it isn’t cheap and it might be best not to use it next to the bed in case you inadvertently choke on the hour hand when you reach for...
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We have recently written about a rather distasteful game App for the iPhone which featured shaking a baby to death to win the game. We at Gadgets are not keen on the thought of censorship as this can open up a whole can of worms, but do feel that sometimes it is true that right minded people are offended by the strange diverse morality of others. We now have word that yet another game which defies all comprehension of why it would be developed at all is once again rearing its ugly head, and that is the controversial rape game from Japan...
Further to our recent report on the war game due to be released next year from Konami entitled ‘Six Days in Fallujah’, we can now confirm that the game has been abandoned by the Japanese gaming company. The game has been withdrawn after mounting pressure from war veterans and families of soldiers either killed or injured whilst fighting in Iraq. The video game Six Days in Fallujah was based on one of the worst and bloodiest battles in the Iraq conflict and was regarded by many to be grossly insensitive to those who have survived and...
It’s not often at Gadgets and Gizmos that we consider the option of alternative employment, however that may be about to change. We love it here at Gadgets and Gizmos, we really enjoy supplying you or wonderful readers with all the up to the minute news on the latest must have technology and gadget industry developments. The news however that MI5 are recruiting a Gadgets and Gizmos expert has us dusting of our CV’s and polishing up on our interview techniques. ...
Dante’s Inferno is a new action adventure video game which is being developed for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 and is due to be released by EA Games in 2010. This stunning video game is based on the Inferno that was featured in the 14th Century Italian epic religious poem Divina Commedia which means Divine Comedy, written by Dante Alighieri. ...
Because it’s April Fools Day we thought we would let you know about an email newsletter that dropped into our inbox here at Gadgets and Gizmos. The wags (and we don’t mean wives and girlfriends!) at ‘I Want one of Those’ (iwoot) have sent us the latest email newsletter with ‘new unbelievable cutting edge technology’, and guess what……….. they are completely unbelievable! ...
It’s the news that all kids have been waiting for and all parents will attempt to censor from their children. Apparently, according to a recent report, computer and console gaming holds the key to social development and improved social interaction skills. That/’s quite a step from the days when gamers were seen as being social pariahs and outcasts with no friends (I remember the days bitterly). ...
Microsoft has taken the most unusual step of confirming an upcoming price drop after a Tesco page was leaked to the press that shows Xbox 360 prices dropping below those of the Nintendo Wii for the first time. The savings are yet another price drop that will take the cost of the Arcade version will cost just £130, the Premium 60GB hard drive version will drop to £170 and the Elite 120GB hard drive version will cost just £230. The cost of the arcade and premium versions will both be lower than the price of a Nintendo Wii at the end of...
The BlackBerry range of phones is about to undergo a major change in design direction that will see the typically bland slab design convert to a flip design. Research in Motion, the company that is responsible for the design and development of the Blackberry range is expected to make the announcement on Wednesday that the new design will be available in the US later this year going global next year. The new phone is expected to be an updated version of the Blackberry Pearl that was first released around two years ago and while the biggest...
SD Cards have become increasingly commonplace in an array of gadgets and electronic goods and the news is that even more of our handheld and portable devices are going to be given the added flexibility that compact storage has to offer thanks to the integration of embedded SD storage into many devices. This means that rather than the current limitations in onboard storage will be lifted from a few MB to up to 32GB as well as the capacity of the removable SD card. The new standard is set to be first released in November but it may take...