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What’s the largest toe tap piano you have ever seen? Maybe you have never seen a truly humungous toe tap piano but that sad fact could be about to change. The crazy guys at Hammacher have decided to rip up the rule book and give us the world’s biggest toe tap piano. If an image comes into your head of a piano which can be seen from the Moon and which the entire population of Albania could dance on at the same time then you might be in for a bit of a disappointment, though. The piano in question measures a fairly fine 10 feet in length...

What do you buy for the Star Wars fan who has everything? This is the dilemma that faced me this Father’s Day, which set me on a journey to find the most awesome Father’s Day gift in the entire galaxy! Thankfully I stumbled upon these woollen creations on Etsy, which could provide countless hours of Star Wars reenactments without the threat of broken items as you fling them joyfully around the lounge. The range includes crochet Millennium Falcons, Tie Fighters, X-Wing’s, At-At Walkers and more. If you’ve got a creative...

Christmas is just a couple of weeks away and it seems to be harder to think of gift ideas now than before, with all the new trends and tech. Online stores seem to have some of the best gift ideas for your family and friends. Today, we are listing ten of the quirkiest and fun items available at the website and it is up to you to choose what you like best (we bet that you’ll have a hard time choosing only one because these items are just awesome!). Now, let’s get on with the list, which is not sorted in a particular order. 1....

That first cup of morning coffee is critical to the performance of many of us. Drink it late and it can ruin your day, miss it out completely and you might as well have stayed in bed until tomorrow. The problem is, until you’ve had the first mugfull you’ve probably not got the energy levels that you might need – fortunately, the Plain Lazy Mug will take a lot of the effort out of your morning coffee by stirring it for you; no need to lift a teaspoon. Unfortunately you do still have to add the coffee, milk, and sugar yourself...

Are you stuck for what to get Dad for that all important Father’s Day gift then let Gadgets and Gizmos help you out, as we have scoured the internet trying to find the Dad ‘must-haves’ so that you can give your Dad a day to remember. First stop might be the gifts and gadgets online shop, ‘i want one of those’. This helpful site is full to brimming with ideas for something just that little bit different for Dad, and if he is really difficult to buy for then this site will no doubt have something that will be suitable. I want one...

Posted on May 22 2008 - 2:52pm by Richard Sharp

It may be too late to celebrate the Champions League win with some home brewed beer, but this fantastic beer machine can create 17 pints of beer (ale or lager, you decide) in seven to ten days. The machine itself might cost £100 making your beer just short of £6 per pint (cheaper than it was in Moscow last night I’m told, and around the price you pay in London) but once you’ve bought the machine itself refills cost marginally more than £30 and that will make 50 pints – that’s about 60p per pint. You can choose from...

You can rely on the Japanese to create gadgets that amaze and enthrall. Puchi Puchi is the latest creation from Bandai, the Japanese toy manufacturers and could be considered either a kid’s toy or an executive stress relieving toy. Whatever you consider it to be, you have to concede to its sheer brilliance. Puchi Puchi is the term that the Japanese use to describe the noise that bubble popping makes and each Puchi Puchi has 8 buttons that closely resemble bubble wrap packaging. By pressing one of the buttons, it simulates the noise...

Let’s face it, you could have the coolest job in the world, but when work beckons and deadlines loom, mundane objects suddenly display new heights of appeal. When a project needs working on, paper clips become the latest sculptural material. But why selfishly limit your procrastination to your own work? The Electronic Rhythm Drum Pens offer a sure fire way to make you one of the most despised and irritating workers in your office. Next time your team is working on a million pound deal and you’ve only got hours to finish, crack...

When it comes to having the most ridiculous accessories of any product, the iPod is hands down the most popular product on the marketplace. There are literally thousands of pointless, though admittedly sometimes cool, accessories to have graced the iPod accessory list but somehow we’ve whittled it down to just three for your enjoyment. 3 – iPod Toilet Paper Dispenser It’s a toilet roll dispenser and an iPod docking station. Speakers are hidden inside the arms of the dispenser and it supports all models of iPod that have a...

Have you sat listening to the latest Boyzone single musing as to why nobody has invented a t-shirt with its very own sound-sensitive graphic equaliser? Well, of course you have, because you’re only human after all. Fortunately, there’s no reason to muse over this particular problem any longer. The T-Qualizer Graphic Equalizer t-shirt is exactly that. The graphic equaliser responds to the beat of any music (even Boyzone – go figure) and flashes in time to the tunes. T-Qualizer creates a line of unique clubbing software that...