Twitter has once again gone into battle with third party service providers, last week they announced a new photo sharing application which rivals Twitpic and other providers. Today they have launched their own URL shortening service, which unlike other providers is built directly into Twitter. This means users can paste url’s into their Tweets and have them automatically shortened on the fly, this will be extremely useful to the end user but will provide little solace to current URL shortening services. The official Twitter blog explains...
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Skype users have once again taken to twitter to report Skype has gone down for the second time within a week. The problem isn’t isolated either, users across the globe are reporting problems and when we checked we were also unable to sign in, for reference gadgets and gizmos is based in the UK. Unlike last week, Skype has yet to explain the downtime which has left users oblivious as to what has gone wrong. Many have turned to Twitter to share their news, some people seem pretty relaxed about the whole thing, others angry and some tweeps...
Twitter has been on a bit of a buying spree of late, last week a deal was finalized between them and Tweetdeck and it’s been well documented that Twitter is discouraging new apps that could compromise their own in-house solutions. This week they are taking a different tact, according to TechCrunch a new native picture sharing service is on the cards. The service would add functionality to Twitter similar to Twitpic and Yfrog, a move that some feel is a longtime coming. Twitpic has recently caused uproar with users after forcing them...
It seems as though the bosses at Twitter have splashed out lots of cash to pick up the TweetDeck platform. No official word has been released yet but the industry buzz has it that it cost a cool $40 million to snap up. In fact some estimates go up to $50 million and state a mixture of cash and shares as being used. It seems as though the papers were signed on Monday, so if the stories are true it is all done and dusted already. The TweetDeck deal was previously under threat as UberMedia was involved in a bidding war with Twitter to get...
If you are a world famous celebrity and you are thinking about taking out a press gagging order – known as a privacy injunction or super injunction – then you might think twice about it after seeing the latest hullabaloo on Twitter. Basically, if you take out one of these court rulings then the press are forbidden from even mentioning it, never mind writing or talking about the actual information or pictures you are so keen to suppress. However, it seems that there is absolutely nothing to stop the information being posted on the internet....
Twitter is often heralded as the quickest way of breaking news; sometimes these stories are so big that it often changes the user’s life forever. One such Tweet occurred last night when an IT worker from Pakistan tweeted the live events that led up to Osama Bin Laden’s death. At the time he had no idea the significance of his reports let alone the fifteen minutes of fame it would give him. Sohaib Athar, who is a software consultant working for Really Virtual, tweeted an interesting series of messages via the Twitter handle @reallyvirtual....
With Twitter having just passed its fifth birthday an interesting statistic has come out which throws some more light on how we use the micro blogging site. There are more than 200 million users registered with Twitter and it is calculated that around 140 million tweets are sent every day. So that’s not far from being one tweet per person per day, is it? Not quite, actually. As fair and democratic as that sounds it seems as though the split between users is far more unbalanced that you might think. The anoraks at Yahoo! have looked at...
A couple of weeks ago Twitter rolled out a huge update for their native iOS app adding Twitpic, a new interface with trends, URL shortening on the fly and re-jigged toolbar. Today they have rolled out a smaller yet interesting update that will allow lucky iPad 2 owners to capture/upload photographs and video via the tablets built-in cameras. Users can use either the front or rear facing cameras to take photos or indeed select them from their existing library and submit them to their tweet stream. As the app is free users can simply install...
It wasn’t that long ago that an older person using a mobile phone or a computer was a bit of a strange sight. Now lots more mature people want to keep up with the latest technological advances and learn about new things they can enjoy. One of the best things which an older relative can learn to use is Twitter, as this gives them an entertaining way to stay in touch with friends and family from their home, as well as finding out snippets of news and information to keep them entertained. Here are some steps to follow in order to get them...