Console Wars Update – XBox360 Reaches 10m US Units

Posted on May 15 2008 - 2:07am by Richard Sharp

wii.jpgYet another update to the next gen console wars – a couple of updates, in fact, and one of them is a sort of cross last-gen/next-gen hybrid internal war. First up is news that the Xbox360 is the first next generation console to sell a huge 10 million units in the US. Obviously Microsoft are making a big deal out of it, and it is big news, but the PS3 has been hot on their tails in worldwide figures and the Wii is still the stand out leader (although conveniently not always considered to be a part of the current console war).

The other news is that the PS2 out-sold its younger and better looking sibling, the PS3, for the year 2007. While the PS3 sold just over 9 million units for the year, the PS2 sold a staggering 13.7 million units.

The console war lives on, as ever, with each of the three seemingly reporting the best results. While the Wii is sometimes overlooked in this round, it has to be the stand out winner. The cheapest, most innovative, most popular, and with the widest appeal of the lot it has easily outsold each of its competitors by a significant margin and continues to impress.

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