Fable III Tries To Make You A Little Meaner

Posted on Oct 26 2010 - 1:53am by Matt Jackson

According to developers of the Fable gaming franchise, people are inherently good. At least, that’s the case when it comes to gaming and making in game decisions. They’re attempting to change this and while they may not want us all to become kitten killing lunatics, they have attempted to create a world where choices between good and bad are grey rather than black and white.

The entire Fable franchise has been about decisions and consequences. Fable II was the first release for the latest generation in consoles and while it had its bugs and its problems, it was widely considered to be a very good quality role playing game. It was well westernised and it had been simplified well enough for console gaming. In fact, one of the bugbears of some of the more battle wearied gamers was that it was too simple and therefore too repetitive and tedious but this is another area where the game has changed.

The Fable III world is considerably larger than the game world in the 2nd and as for the cast list of voice actors it’s quite ludicrous as it includes John Cleese, Sir Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg, Michael Fassbender, Zoe Wannamaker, Stephen Fry, Bernard Hill, Nicholas Hoult, Naomie Harris and Jonathan Ross.

When it comes to making decisions, Game Creator Peter Molyneux said that when presented with the choice of good or bad, 90% of gamers would choose good and the “we must be good no matter what” attitude meant that there really wasn’t a decision to be made anymore taking a lot away from the game.

Not only do you actions immediately affect how much others like you but it will have an even greater impact when you’re crowned king in Fable III, which is due out on the XBox 360 on Tuesday.

2 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. JoshWaaa November 7, 2010 at 12:10 pm - Reply

    Final paragraph:

    Not only "you" actions

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