Facebook announces the new App Center

Posted on May 10 2012 - 12:06pm by Julius

Social networking giant Facebook is now joining the app store game with the announcement of its App Center. Facebook claims that the new App Center will help developers get their mobile and web applications discovered by a larger audience.

The App Center will not only become a part of Facebook website, but also its Android and iOS apps. It will feature free and paid apps, just like the Apple App Store and Google Play.

“For the over 900 million people that use Facebook, the App Center will become the new, central place to find great apps like Draw Something, Pinterest, Spotify, Battle Pirates, Viddy, and Bubble Witch Saga,” wrote Facebook in a blog post for developers. “Everything has an app detail page, which helps people see what makes an app unique and lets them install it before going to an app.”

This is a big move for the company in terms of raking in money and users. According to tech news site Venture Beat, Facebook, being a platform-neutral party, can distribute any kind of applications for different kinds of devices.

Also, as a developer, there will be more opportunities from Facebook integration as the platform has more users and they might get better data. The company is offering a “simple-to-implement” payment system that allows users to pay a fee to use a Facebook app. Currently, the beta testing for Facebook’s paid apps program is underway.

What are your thoughts on this new move by Facebook?


via: Facebook

4 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. HDMIAudioVideoCable May 11, 2012 at 11:04 pm - Reply

    I definitely agree. The Facebook app center is indeed a very good avenue for getting quality apps more exposure and is also a great opportunity for developers.

  2. HtmlSymbol May 15, 2012 at 3:04 am - Reply

    Facebook can not do that with iOS in the near term since Flash is not supported while HTML5 is in an infancy. Its a very good foresight for Apple with iOS being locked down since the vast majority of users do not jailbreak their iPhones.

    This is a very good indication for a Facebook device in the near future.

  3. htmlcolorname June 8, 2012 at 8:16 am - Reply

    Wouldn't touch zuckerberg with a tramps nob,as for facebook do people (as in over 20's ) still use it? I can think of a lot better ways of keeping in touch with my friends (sms,phone or meet up) other than using a social website that logs your every move and bombards you with adverts,just my opinion.

  4. Augustine July 24, 2012 at 4:25 pm - Reply

    What a great idea. The Facebook app center is a good platform for promotions as well

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